
2466 results:
291. Indigenous peoples of Russia threatened by Covid-19   Covid-19 threatens indigenous peoples in the Russian Arctic:
Raw materials boom brings large construction sites with changing personnel
The north of the country already has the…  
Date: 16-04-20
292. Corona-amnesty in Turkey   Corona-amnesty in Turkey:
According to the STP, three prisoners died of Covid-19 yesterday alone
Amnesty excludes political prisoners
Kurdish ethnic group…  
Date: 14-04-20
293. Several rivers in the Amazon contaminated due to pipeline rupture in Ecuador   On Tuesday, April 7, the Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE) suffered a rupture, due to which crude oil seeped into the Coca River and from there into the Napo River, where the indigenous Kichwa…  
Date: 10-04-20
294. World Roma Day (April 8) World Roma Day (April 8):
• Covid-19 threatens Roma in the Western Balkans
• European Union and Council of Europe must react immediately and effectively
• Ongoing structural…  
Date: 07-04-20
295. Prisoners who were arrested under the "anti-terrorist laws" must be released immediately   • Prisoners who were arrested under the "anti-terrorist laws" must be released immediately
• In overcrowded prisons, it is impossible to practice social distancing and to observe hygiene…  
Date: 06-04-20
296. COVID-19 fuels human rights violations in China   More than 900 human rights violations registered since January 2020
China uses COVID-19 crisis to restrict human rights
Date: 06-04-20
297. STP mourns Rüdiger Nehberg   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the survival expert Rüdiger Nehberg – who died yesterday at the age of 84 – always showed great commitment for the rights of the indigenous…  
Date: 03-04-20
298. "Threatened Refugees"   Refugees who belong to an ethnic, religious, or linguistic minority group need protection and help!  
Date: 01-04-20
299. Blood Roses from Ethiopia   Flowers of Love – Flowers of Sorrow  
Date: 01-04-20
300. Taiwan should be able to join the WHO   World health is more important than China's power interests:
• STP demands observer status for Taiwan at the WHO
• Exclusion is detrimental to the international struggle to cope with…  
Date: 31-03-20