
378 results:
371. Peking is trying to stifle the democracy movement with an unjust trial - Release Liu Xiaobo!   … The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has charged China with trying to stifle the democracy movement with an unjust trial which begins tomorrow against Liu Xiaobo. "With Liu…  
Date: 28-12-09
Percental score: 16
372. EU must speak out for release of a seriously ill regime critic   … Today Monday the EU-China summit meeting takes place in Nanjing and the Society for Theatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) is appealing to the European Union to speak out for release of the…  
Date: 30-11-09
Percental score: 19
373. China’s defamation campaign against Uighur human rights activists began six years ago – German government must take action!   … in Germany the Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has condemned China’s attempts at spying on the World Congress of Uighurs (WCU) , which has its seat in Munich. "We really…  
Date: 26-11-09
Percental score: 63
374. Serious charges against the Ethiopian government: Plantations for biofuel and export of flowers encourage famine   … energy crops like Jatropha, oil palms, castor oil or sugar cane.” More than 2,000 companies from China , India , Saudi-Arabia and other states have already invested. A subsidiary of a firm from Munich is…  
Date: 30-10-09
Percental score: 7
375. Unjust sentence against professor for literature from Nanjing Former university professor sentenced to ten years imprisonment for appeals for democracy   … has been sentenced to ten years imprisonment because he spoke out for the democratisation of China. Thereafter his political rights will be withdrawn for three years. The Society for Threatened Peoples…  
Date: 21-10-09
Percental score: 23
376. New unjust trials against 14 Uyghurs – Wave of death sentences threatens   … against 14 Uyghurs. The accused are charged with being involved in the protests in the north-west of China in July 2009. "We fear a new wave of death sentences”, said the STP Asia consultant, Ulrich Delius, in…  
Date: 17-10-09
Percental score: 19
377. No reason for celebrating: Tibet and Xinjiang are like time-bombs – new nationality policy needed   … Peoples (STP) has drawn a critical balance on the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. "Tibet and Xinjiang / East Turkistan are like time-bombs, so badly are human rights being violated…  
Date: 30-09-09
Percental score: 24
378. "China’s long arm” threatens human rights activists Prominent Uyghur human rights activist from Germany arrested in South Korea – Immediate release is called for   … its base in Munich. This is the most important umbrella organisation of the Moslem ethnic group in China in exile. "We take it that the warrant was implemented by China to silence one of the most…  
Date: 16-09-09
Percental score: 58