
2466 results:
221. Tighten sanctions against the oppressive regime in Damascus and expel the Syrian Ambassador!   On Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an appeal to Guido Westerwelle, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to expel the Syrian ambassador from Germany. Diplomatic representatives of a…  
Date: 24-05-11
222. Tibetans, Uigurs und Falun Gong Followers denied legal protection   This July, leading human rights attorneys in China are being denied the annual renewal of their licenses to practice law, stated the Society for Threatened people on Thursday. At least six prominant…  
Date: 23-07-10
223. Tibetans are in fear of losing their culture and identity   In 2011, China's railroads carried 6,5 million travelers to Tibet. According to the "Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company", it was mainly Chinese tourists and migrants who used the railway line that was…  
Date: 06-01-12
224. Tibetans   Information and latest news about the Tibetans  
Date: 14-11-18
225. Tibet   Information and latest news on the situation in Tibet  
Date: 14-11-18
226. Three million nomads suffering from the famine; drought fuels conflicts   The famine in northern Kenya is continuing to worsen according to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). "The very existence of three million nomads in Kenya is acutely threatened," warned the…  
Date: 09-06-11
227. ThreatenedRefugeesEngl.pdf   t h r e a t e n e d r e f u g e e s welcome society for threatened peoples SUPPORT FOR THREATENED REFUGEES Among the refugees who have found shelter in Germany, there are members of several…  
Date: 22-03-16
228. Threatened by Changes: Christian Minorities in the Middle East   Please download our Memorandum.  
Date: 20-05-14
229. Thousands of Indians in struggle for survival against monster dam Belo Monte   The legal tug-of-war concerning the project for the huge hydro-electric plant in Brazil on the Xingu River in the Brazilian federal state Pará continues. Surprisingly the federal court in the…  
Date: 20-04-10
230. Those who are responsible must be held accountable! No kowtow to Putin!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is disappointed about the EU's restrained reactions to the downing of MH 17 in Eastern Ukraine. The families of the victims are demanding answers to the…  
Date: 25-07-14