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2083 results:
1961. German Protestant Kirchentag   Resolution passed: Kirchentag supports victims of religious persecution STP: "Politics and churches must not ignore this call to action. Christians, Yazidis and other minorities need a safe home in  
Date: 24-06-19
1962. Presidential Elections in Mauritania   Presidential elections in Mauritania: - Winner of the Weimar Human Rights Award and anti-slavery activist Biram Dah Abeid comes second - STP demands more efforts against - STP warns of possible  
Date: 24-06-19
1963. State crisis in Mauritania after controversial elections …Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) hat Mauretaniens Regierung Rassismus und Methoden einer Diktatur…  
Date: 27-06-19
1964. Western Balkans Conference in Poznan   On the occasion of the Western Balkans Conference – which will take place in Pozna?, Poland, as of tomorrow – the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes the approach of the EU and the German  
Date: 04-07-19
1965. On the occasion of the Dialogue Conference in Doha   On the occasion of the Dialogue Conference in Doha, the STP demands: - Crimes of the past must be resolved and punished! - Minorities such as the Hazara need effective protection! - Women's  
Date: 08-07-19
1966. 5th anniversary of the genocide crimes against the Yazidis of northern Iraq (August 3)   The STP study by German-Yazidi psychologist Prof. Dr. med. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan documents the trauma of the genocide and attempts at psychosocial healing. STP calls for protection and reconstruction  
Date: 30-07-19
1967. STP-Report on the Year of Indigenous Languages The United Nations declared 2019 to be the International Year of the Indigenous Languages – and the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) will now publish a study on indigenous languages (German  
Date: 05-08-19
1968. STP-ralley on the International Day of Indigenous Peoples   On the occasion of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples (August 9), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) held a rally on the Platz der Republik in Berlin – in order to draw attention to  
Date: 12-08-19
1969. Indigenous women's march in Brazil   The "National Forum of Indigenous Women" in Brazil's capital started on August 9, under the title "Territory: Our Body, Our Spirit". A total number of 2,000 indigenous women are discussing ways to  
Date: 14-08-19
1970. Is US President Trump planning to buy Greenland?   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that the right to self-determination of Greenland's indigenous peoples must not be ignored, emphasizing that the Greenlanders should be able to decide  
Date: 16-08-19