
2466 results:
211. German government should take a stand for political prisoners in China   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called on Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Affairs Minister Guido Westerwelle to demand the release of political prisoners in China when they meet…  
Date: 17-01-11
212. Mongolian human rights activist and family disappear without a trace   More than three weeks after completing a long prison term in China, the Mongolian human rights activist Hada has disappeared without a trace. Attempts to contact members of his family have also been…  
Date: 17-01-11
213. Prison sentences for slavery critics called "regression to dark days when the subject was taboo"   Mauritanian human rights activist and slavery opponent Biram Dah Abeid has been sentenced by a court in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott to one year in prison, of which six months are to be…  
Date: 17-01-11
214. Human rights activists on trial for protest against slavery   Six human rights activists have been on trial in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott since Wednesday for publicly protesting against the enslavement of two under-age girls. The Society for…  
Date: 17-01-11
215. Tunisia's new leadership must recognize rights of Berbers   The new political leadership of Tunisia must finally acknowledge and respect the rights of Berbers, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) stated. The appeal sent by the human rights organization…  
Date: 17-01-11
216. Society for Threatened Peoples calls attention to decades of genocide and urges support for establishment of democratic South Sudan   On the occasion of the referendum on independence for South Sudan this Sunday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called attention at a press conference in Berlin on Friday to the decades of…  
Date: 18-01-11
217. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights must ascertain fate of 376 condemned prisoners   UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, must find out what has happened to the 376 Uighurs convicted of "crimes against the national security" of China in 2010. The Society for…  
Date: 18-01-11
218. Rethink development aid for Ethiopia: Land being stolen from 225,000 indigenous people   Development aid for Ethiopia should be reconsidered in light of continuing human rights abuses. This appeal came from the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) on the eve of Federal Minister for…  
Date: 20-01-11
219. Nigeria: At least 37 dead in five days; the perpetrators must be punished!   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), at least 37 Christians and Muslims have been killed since Friday evening in the ongoing violence in Nigeria between members of both faiths. The…  
Date: 20-01-11
220. Freeze the accounts of the pirate Mafia - Course correction needed in Somalia policy   The deployment of soldiers or armed federal police on board German merchant ships, as called for by German shipping companies, will not effectively curtail the piracy off the Somali coast, argues the…  
Date: 21-01-11