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2083 results:
1891. Those who are responsible must be held accountable! No kowtow to Putin!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is disappointed about the EU's restrained reactions to the downing of MH 17 in Eastern Ukraine. The families of the victims are demanding answers to the  
Date: 25-07-14
1892. Thousands of Indians in struggle for survival against monster dam Belo Monte   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) on Tuesday in Göttingen. "For it is still to be…  
Date: 20-04-10
1893. ThreatenedRefugeesEngl.pdf   … refugees in Germany? If so, contact us: t h r e a t e n e d r e f u g e e s welcome We…  
Date: 22-03-16
1894. Three million nomads suffering from the famine; drought fuels conflicts   The famine in northern Kenya is continuing to worsen according to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). "The very existence of three million nomads in Kenya is acutely threatened," warned the  
Date: 09-06-11
1895. Tibetans are in fear of losing their culture and identity   In 2011, China's railroads carried 6,5 million travelers to Tibet. According to the "Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company", it was mainly Chinese tourists and migrants who used the railway line that was  
Date: 06-01-12
1896. Tighten sanctions against the oppressive regime in Damascus and expel the Syrian Ambassador!   On Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an appeal to Guido Westerwelle, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to expel the Syrian ambassador from Germany. Diplomatic representatives of a  
Date: 24-05-11
1897. Tigray still not calm 50 days after military intervention began   United Nations to send human rights experts to Ethiopia Tigray faces man-made starvation disaster Escalation of conflicts feared  
Date: 20-12-20
1898. TikTok admits censorship   TikTok admits censorship of China-critical content: UK Head of Public Policy at hearing in House of Commons TikTok has blocked posts about crimes against Uighurs Content on Tibet and the  
Date: 06-11-20
1899. Tilman Zülch retires from his position as Secretary General of the Society for Threatened Peoples   After nearly 50 years, Tilman Zülch, one of the most prominent human rights activists in Germany, will retire from his position as Secretary General of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). In  
Date: 27-03-17