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2083 results:
2061. "An enlargement of the Shasta Dam will destroy our livelihood"   The Winnemem Wintu, a Native American tribe in Northern California, are sending an urgent appeal to the international public. They must fear for their existence because the Shasta Dam is to be raised  
Date: 06-05-14
2062. "A stab to the heart"   In view of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the Nobel Peace Prize Award for the EU is a "stab to the heart" for the Bosnian people.  
Date: 12-10-12
2063. "A significant gesture of respect" – Parliamentary elections preponed out of consideration for the Copts   In view of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), it is a "significant gesture of respect" towards the Copts, that the disputed date for the parliamentary elections in Egypt was preponed.  
Date: 25-02-13
2064. "A Light for Our Refugee Children - so that they can stay”   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has called out to candlelight vigils in front of town…  
Date: 17-12-09
2065. "A fox to keep the geese": Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture now responsible for indigenous protected areas On Thursday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called on Jair Bolsonaro, the new Brazilian President, to accept the offer of the indigenous Aruak, Baniwa and Apuriña from the Amazon region to  
Date: 10-01-19
2066. "A black day for human rights": Morocco opts against an extension of the peacekeeping mandate for Western Sahara   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples, the failed efforts to extend the UN peacekeeping mandate MINURSO are a serious setback for the human rights situation in Western Sahara. The MINURSO  
Date: 25-04-13
2067. Westerwelle's campaigning hurts Germany's reputation in democratic Arab countries   Foreign Affairs Minister Guido Westerwelle is hurting Germany's standing in the world with his fickle Libya policies, according to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). The man who, just three  
Date: 18-03-11
2068. Volkswagen must not benefit from genocide crimes in Xinjiang    Saturday, June 12, 2021 From 2 pm to 5 pm In front of Wolfsburg’s Main Station (Hauptbahnhof)  
Date: 07-06-21
2069. Three monks sentenced to long prison terms for "inciting self-immolation"   A Tibetan abbot of a Buddhist monastery and two of his employees have been sentenced to long prison terms for "inciting self-immolation" in China's province of Qinghai. China's authorities are trying  
Date: 04-07-12
2070. Suspend Russia's voting rights in the Council of Europe   In view of the recent delivery of armaments from Russia to Syria, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called for revocation of the Russian delegation's voting rights in the Parliamentary  
Date: 24-01-12