
2466 results:
231. 25 years after the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11)   Society for Threatened Peoples (STP): Commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica on July 11, 1995
On Friday, July 10, 2020…  
Date: 08-07-20
232. Covid-19 in Brazil   Omid Nouripour in video conversation with indigenous leaders:
Kretã Kaingang and Dinamam Tuxá talk to the foreign policy spokesman of the parliamentary group of the Green Party  
Date: 08-07-20
233. 25 years after the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11)   Children of Srebrenica send an appeal to the UN and the EU:
In wars and conflicts, it is especially the children who suffer
50 million children are currently on the run worldwide  
Date: 06-07-20
234. Racism against indigenous peoples in the United States   Führende US-Sportvereine erwägen, ihre Namen abzuändern, nachdem ihnen Rassismus gegen indigene Völker vorgeworfen wurde. "Das Umdenken in der US-Sportbranche ist ein ermutigendes Zeichen, dass die…  
Date: 05-07-20
235. Criminalization of government critics in Ethiopia   Ethiopia falls back into dictatorship
Government chooses repression over dialogue

Date: 03-07-20
236. At least 81 killed in crackdowns on protests   At least 81 killed in violent crackdowns on Oromo protests in Ethiopia
Disproportionate violence fuels fears about a return to dictatorship
STP demands investigation of violence and…  
Date: 02-07-20
237. Covid-19 in Brazil   APIB publishes emergency plan:
No help from the Bolsonaro government – Indigenous communities must help themselves
Plan includes medical care and education of the indigenous…  
Date: 01-07-20
238. Ethiopia threatened with civil war   Human rights organization criticizes arrest of Oromo activists
Detainees must be effectively protected
Date: 01-07-20
239. STP report on indigenous peoples of the Arctic   STP report on indigenous peoples of the Arctic – between climate change and a run on raw materials:
Thawing permafrost will cause environmental damage; a fuel tank burst only a month ago 
Date: 30-06-20
240. Murder of singer stirs up tensions in Ethiopia   Murder of singer stirs up tensions in Ethiopia:
Oromo singer Hachalu Hundessa shot dead in Addis Ababa on Monday night
STP demands a fast, transparent, and independent investigation  
Date: 30-06-20