
378 results:
331. Beijing or Almaty: A decision “between a rock and a hard place”   … place” when choosing a venue for the 2022 Winter Games. The two capital cities in question – Beijing in China and Almaty in Kazakhstan – are both known for continued human rights violations.  
Date: 30-07-15
Percental score: 22
332. Beijing needs a change in strategy to stop the violence – imprisoned human rights activists must be set free   … Peoples (STP) reports that there are continued mass arrests of Uyghur people in north-western China. At least 480 Uyghurs were arrested for political reasons since the beginning of April 2014.  
Date: 28-05-14
Percental score: 17
333. Bavarian-Chinese Spring Festival (April 28)   … of the event - In view of the serious crimes in Xinjiang, German politicians cannot advertise China with a clear conscience - Instead, the WUC and the STP suggest that the two politicians could meet…  
Date: 21-04-21
Percental score: 12
334. Authorities bereave hundreds of churches of their crosses and intimidate believers   …According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the suppressive measures against Christian churches in China has reached a new peak: Following official orders, crosses were removed from church buildings, houses…  
Date: 24-06-14
Percental score: 15
335. Author Dogan Akhanli arrested: Interpol must stop misuse of “Red Notice”   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands a reform of the international police organization Interpol and an end to the misuse of the “Red Notices”.  
Date: 19-08-17
Percental score: 14
336. Attack in China's restive Xinjiang region   … on a police patrol in the city of Aksu (Xinjiang Autonomous Region/East Turkestan) in northwestern China. Seven people were killed and 14 wounded in the attack. "Violence is not the solution to the growing…  
Date: 25-08-10
Percental score: 72
337. Arbitrary justice in Xinjiang   Arbitrary justice in Xinjiang: • Life imprisonment for brother of human rights activist Dolkun Isa – an obvious intimidation attempt • Massive expansion of the prison system in Xinjiang / East  
Date: 31-05-21
Percental score: 17
338. Anniversary of the popular uprising in Tibet (March 10)   Anniversary of the popular uprising in Tibet (March 10): IOC must publish the human rights pledges of the CCP The situation of the Tibetan people has deteriorated since the 2008 Summer Games The  
Date: 08-03-21
Percental score: 13
339. An important decision   Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) begrüßt die soeben durch den Stadtrat von Ingolstadt beschlossene Entscheidung, die Bezuschussung des „Audi Konfuzius-Instituts“ zu beenden. Gemeinsam mit  
Date: 29-07-21
Percental score: 9
340. An appeal to the new Federal Government: No restraint in questions of human rights!   … partner countries. "Human rights are indivisible. They apply all over the world; in Russia, China, Vietnam, Turkey or Iran.  
Date: 09-12-13
Percental score: 18