
2466 results:
311. Secret agreements between Putin and Erdogan? About two years ago, several hundred thousand people from the Afrin region were displaced or forced to flee to the Shahbah region to the north of Aleppo in Northern Syria. Now, they have to fear for…  
Date: 11-03-20
312. Massacre with 43 dead in Burkina Faso The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands punishment for those responsible for a massacre of 43 people in Burkina Faso, which was probably committed by a self-defense militia. "The fight…  
Date: 10-03-20
313. China persecutes nuns and monks The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China of systematically persecuting and forcibly assimilating Buddhist nuns and monks, with the aim of bringing Tibet under the total control of…  
Date: 09-03-20
314. International Women's Day   On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) wants to draw attention to a largely ignored aspect of violence against women: children born of rape in war and…  
Date: 05-03-20
315. No NATO assistance for arsonist Erdogan The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused Turkey of cynicism, stating that the refugee crisis in Syria is being instrumentalized to pursue geostrategic interests.  
Date: 28-02-20
316. Massive pressure on civil society Following the death of a government critic in police custody in Kazakhstan, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for an independent investigation into the mysterious death.  
Date: 28-02-20
317. Turkish occupation of Northern Syria: Several places are cut off from water supply   The Turkish occupying power has cut off the water supply to the city of Al Hasaka and other villages in northeastern Syria.  
Date: 26-02-20
318. Important stage victory for Brazil's indigenous people   "The legislative initiative was a frontal attack by the Bolsonaro government on indigenous territories," explained Regina Sonk, expert on indigenous peoples at the Society for Threatened Peoples…  
Date: 21-02-20
319. Deportation of the Chechen people under Stalin (February 23)   On February 23, 1944, Stalin's troops deported around 500,000 Chechens and members of other population groups of the Caucasus. At least one third of them died due to hunger, cold, disease, and…  
Date: 21-02-20
320. New secret documents on crimes in Xinjiang "Germany and the European Union must not accept that crimes against the humanity of their strategic partner China are not addressed at summit meetings – or only briefly mentioned as side notes,"…  
Date: 18-02-20