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2083 results:
1891. Syria: United Nations should protect Kurdish region   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the establishment of a protected zone could save the Kurds in northern Syria a great deal of suffering. The human rights organization welcomed a  
Date: 04-01-19
1892. Iraq: Muslim scholars should fight Islamist ideas The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) supports the repeated, urgent appeals of the Chaldean Patriarch Cardinal Louis Sako to the Iraqi central government and the other governments of the Islamic  
Date: 08-01-19
1893. "A fox to keep the geese": Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture now responsible for indigenous protected areas On Thursday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called on Jair Bolsonaro, the new Brazilian President, to accept the offer of the indigenous Aruak, Baniwa and Apuriña from the Amazon region to  
Date: 10-01-19
1894. Afrin in northern Syria: One year under Turkish occupation Vigil in front of US embassy … appelliert die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Donnerstag in Berlin mit einer Mahnwache nahe der…  
Date: 15-01-19
1895. Syria: International Day of Solidarity with Afrin (January 20)   The inhabitants of the Syrian-Kurdish city of Afrin in the north-west of the country are still suffering under the Turkish-Islamist occupation. One year after the beginning of the Turkish attacks on  
Date: 18-01-19
1896. Philippines: Catholic bishops suport autonomy for Muslim region In the Philippines, catholic bishops are hoping that today's referendum on the introduction of an autonomy solution for the predominantly Muslim region of Bangsamoro will lead to more peace and a  
Date: 21-01-19
1897. Northern Iraq: Christians in distress   Now that the fighters of "Islamic State" (IS) have been driven away from the northern Iraqi province of Mosul, the Christians living there are facing new problems, as the Göttingen-based human rights  
Date: 24-01-19
1898. World Economic Forum in Davos On occasion of the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the representatives from industry and politics to clearly condemn China's hostage diplomacy.  
Date: 22-01-19
1899. Central Africa: 13 victims of violence in run-up to peace talks According to a report by the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), 13 people got killed in an attack by a Peul nomad militia on a village in the west of the Central African Republic, shortly before  
Date: 23-01-19
1900. Iran: 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution 40 years after the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the overall situation of members of the opposition and minority groups is still very challenging.  
Date: 29-01-19