
378 results:
261. Report of a former prisoner   Joint press conference of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and the World Congress of the Uyghurs (WUC) in Berlin: A former prisoner reports about the conditions in a Chinese reeducation camp  
Date: 11-03-19
Percental score: 16
262. Human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng's wife Geng He speaks out about his health   … the religious freedom of the persecuted Christians and Falun Gong practitioners. For the lawyers in China, such commitment is especially risky, because the authorities often punish them by withdrawing the…  
Date: 01-10-14
Percental score: 16
263. More than 60 Christians injured in violent desecration of a church   …In the province of Zhejiang in southern China, the dispute between the authorities and the Christian population concerning the removal of crosses and the closure their houses of worship is about to escalate – according…  
Date: 21-07-14
Percental score: 16
264. UN General Assembly elects new members to UN Human Rights Council The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) fears that the UN Human Rights Council is about to lose credibility if it doesn’t show more commitment to human rights.  
Date: 27-10-16
Percental score: 16
265. Peking is trying to stifle the democracy movement with an unjust trial - Release Liu Xiaobo!   … The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has charged China with trying to stifle the democracy movement with an unjust trial which begins tomorrow against Liu Xiaobo. "With Liu…  
Date: 28-12-09
Percental score: 16
266. Human-Rights-situation-in-the-People’s-Republic-of-China_HRC-Statement-August-2018.pdf   … non-governmental organization(s). A/HRC/39/NGO/X Human Rights situation in the People’s Republic of China Society for Threatened Peoples is deeply concerned about arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial detentions…  
Date: 04-10-18
Percental score: 16
267. The automotive group must respect and promote human rights of the Uyghurs!   … Winterkorn to respect and promote the Uyghur's human rights when a new construction site is built China's unstable region of Xinjiang. For years, the Uyghurs have been complaining about being discriminated…  
Date: 07-12-11
Percental score: 16
268. Authorities bereave hundreds of churches of their crosses and intimidate believers   …According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the suppressive measures against Christian churches in China has reached a new peak: Following official orders, crosses were removed from church buildings, houses…  
Date: 24-06-14
Percental score: 15
269. Tibetans, Uigurs und Falun Gong Followers denied legal protection   … This July, leading human rights attorneys in China are being denied the annual renewal of their licenses to practice law, stated the Society for Threatened people on Thursday. At least six prominant attorneys in Peking…  
Date: 23-07-10
Percental score: 15
270. Falun Gong mass protests 21 years ago (April 25)   Falun Gong mass protests 21 years ago (April 25): Ongoing criminalization of members of the meditation movement More than 4,300 members have died in police custody, in labor camps, or  
Date: 24-04-20
Percental score: 15