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2083 results:
1981. Facebook: Accusations of censorship   Facebook: Accusations of censorship: Facebook page of Kazakh NGO Atajurt blocked since January 9 Central organization in documenting crimes in Xinjiang "Censorship makes Facebook  
Date: 14-01-21
1982. Joe Biden takes office   Biden-Harris Plan for Tribal Nations gives hope to indigenous communities: Government plan contains promising ideas for Tribal Nations In her position as Interior Minister, indigenous Deb Haaland  
Date: 17-01-21
1983. Afrin three years after the invasion   Afrin three years after the invasion: Numerous victims and massive economic damage in 2020 Kurdish places and squares suddenly have Turkish or Arabic names Turkish flags on school  
Date: 18-01-21
1984. First official acts of new US administration   Biden stops pipeline project on indigenous land: Withdrawal of the permit to build the controversial Keystone XL pipeline Indigenous self-organizations are in favor of the decision The  
Date: 21-01-21
1985. Alaska National Wildlife Refuge   No oil exploitation in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge: Biden stops oil exploitation in highly sensitive wildlife refuge Home to North America's largest free-ranging caribou herd and the  
Date: 21-01-21
1986. Two years after the Brumadinho dam burst (January 25)   Two years after the Brumadinho dam burst (January 25): Water of Paraopeba River remains contaminated and unusable Exact extent of contamination was not measured since end of 2019 So far,  
Date: 25-01-21
1987. Constitutional talks for Syria (January 25)   5th round of constitutional talks for Syria (January 25): German government should withdraw support for the format There are no representatives of the civil society or minorities involved – and it  
Date: 25-01-21
1988. Wuhan lockdown one year ago (Jan. 23)   Wuhan lockdown one year ago (Jan. 23): Corona crisis has led to a significant deterioration in the human rights situation in China Repression against Internet users and citizen  
Date: 25-01-21
1989. An affront to diversity: EU turns its back on minorities   … appendix. Contact Jan Diedrichsen: or +49 171 – 726 76 32 Wolfgang Mayr:…  
Date: 26-01-21
1990. New coal mining project in Siberia   Coal mining project in Siberia harms indigenous communities: Planned mine on Taimyr is a symbol of an outdated energy policy Infrastructure affects the reindeer, on which the indigenous Nganasans,  
Date: 28-01-21