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2083 results:
1981. Catastrophic human rights situation in Burundi   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has backed Burundi's Catholic bishops against massive criticism from the government: "Burundi's government is accusing the country's Catholic bishops of  
Date: 23-09-19
1982. Unrest in West Papua   Protests against racism in West Papua: At least 20 dead and more than 80 injured on Monday New wave of protests since mid-August STP demands free access to the crisis region for relief  
Date: 24-09-19
1983. Controversy over reforestation program in India   Leonardo DiCaprio supports controversial environmental project in India: STP supports appeal of 95 Indian environmental and human rights organizations Reforestation program distracts from the  
Date: 26-09-19
1984. 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China   70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China – monitored, suppressed, and forced into line: The CP regime has claimed millions of victims over the past 70 years Democratic states must  
Date: 30-09-19
1985. Impending Turkish attack on northern Syria   Impending Turkish attack on northern Syria: Fears that impending attack will lead to similar situation as in Afrin. Tolerated by the US, there would be nothing to stop ethnic cleansing in the region.  
Date: 07-10-19
1986. Planned Turkish military intervention in Syria   Possible terror threat by freed IS fighters: If Turkey attacks, the SDF will no longer be able to secure the prison camps.STP calls for special session of the Security Council. International  
Date: 09-10-19
1987. Turkish military intervention in Syria   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has demanded Germany and the other countries of the European Union to stop financing Turkey if the Turkish military intervention in northern Syria is not  
Date: 15-10-19
1988. Nobel Prize for Literature for Peter Handke   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes the fact that Austrian writer Peter Handke was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature: "During the Bosnian war, Handke had unconditionally sided  
Date: 15-10-19
1989. Ilham Tohti wins EU's Sakharov Prize   STP comments on the awarding of the Sakharov Prize to Ilham Tohti: - A great sign of European solidarity with persecuted Uyghurs - The imprisoned professor is a tireless mediator between Uyghurs  
Date: 24-10-19
1990. A step backwards to the times of dictator Pinochet   Police violence at demonstrations in Chile: At least five dead and 584 injured according to INDH Indigenous Mapuche are particularly affected by police violence UN High Commissioner  
Date: 25-10-19