
2175 results:
721. No rethinking of press censorship in China – Ongoing repression of journalists and bloggers   The fact that Zhang Miao, employee of the German magazine "Die Zeit", was released does not mean that China is about to ease its press censorship.  
Date: 10-07-15
722. No religious freedom for former party officials   In China, even former communist party officials must stay atheists and are not allowed to practice any religion – as was recently announced in new guidelines published by the Organization Department  
Date: 08-02-16
723. No reason for celebrating: Tibet and Xinjiang are like time-bombs – new nationality policy needed   … Ulrich Delius can also be reached at  
Date: 30-09-09
Percental score: 3
724. No pussy-footing! – What we need is a clear call for human rights!   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has called on Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle to…  
Date: 13-01-10
725. No protection for persecuted Uyghurs in Asia - now China must reveal information about the situation of deported people!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused neighboring countries of China of systematically not providing protection for Uyghur refugees from the People's Republic. At least 18 Uyghur  
Date: 02-08-11
726. No peaceful Christmas celebration for Nigeria's Christians   On occasion of this year's Christmas celebrations, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) would like to draw attention to the plight the Christians in Nigeria as well as to the 219 Nigerian  
Date: 23-12-14
727. No peace without more development and end impunity   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls on Egypt to show more commitment concerning the economic development of North Sinai in order to curb the escalating violence in the north of the  
Date: 02-02-15
728. No NATO assistance for arsonist Erdogan The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused Turkey of cynicism, stating that the refugee crisis in Syria is being instrumentalized to pursue geostrategic interests.  
Date: 28-02-20
Percental score: 4
729. No lifting of sanctions against Burma unless the Rohingya are granted their civil rights!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sends a warning against lifting the sanctions against Burma as long as the Muslim Rohingya minority aren't granted their civil rights. Indeed, Burma has made  
Date: 26-09-12
730. No justice for Christians subjected to a pogrom in India   The release of two suspects accused of raping a nun has sparked outrage among Christians in India, stated the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) on Friday in Göttingen. The two employees of the  
Date: 13-05-11