
2466 results:
151. Elections in Myanmar   Ethnic discrimination in elections in Myanmar:
Rohingya and other minorities excluded from voting
Voting prohibited in minority-regions
Silence from the international…  
Date: 06-11-20
152. TikTok admits censorship   TikTok admits censorship of China-critical content:
UK Head of Public Policy at hearing in House of Commons
TikTok has blocked posts about crimes against Uighurs
Content on…  
Date: 06-11-20
153. Civil war in Cameroon escalates   Civil war in Cameroon escalates – Abduction of a Cardinal:
Europe must work towards a political solution
Cardinal Christian Tumi and the traditional leader Sem Mbinglo kidnapped 
Date: 06-11-20
154. 25 years ago: Nigeria has prominent Shell critic   25 years ago: Nigeria has shell critic Ken Saro-Wiwa executed:
Environmental disaster in the Niger Delta still a threat to the indigenous communities
Around 300 oil spills per year,…  
Date: 05-11-20
155. "Burmese Bin Laden" turns himself in to the police   "Burmese Bin Laden" surrenders:
Buddhist hate preacher Ashin Wirathu turns himself in to the police in Yangon
A tactical maneuver shortly before the election
The ultranationalist…  
Date: 03-11-20
156. An oil production permit in Alaska shortly before the election?   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE
An oil production permit in Alaska shortly before the election?
Trump government plans to auction production licenses in the Alaska…  
Date: 29-10-20
157. First report of the Federal Government Commissioner for Religious Freedom   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE
Report of the Federal Government Commissioner for Religious Freedom:
STP welcomes publication of first report
Foreign policy must…  
Date: 28-10-20
158. Olympic Games and human rights   Olympic Games and human rights:
IOC President Bach tacitly accepts human rights violations
Alleged neutrality is supposed to protect China's CP from criticism
Date: 27-10-20
159. STP mourns former Bundestag Vice President Thomas Oppermann (SPD)  
According to the Göttingen-based human rights organization Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), Thomas Oppermann, the late former Bundestag Vice President and member of the SPD in Göttingen,…  
Date: 26-10-20
160. Afghanistan: 30 people die in suicide bombing   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE
30 people die in suicide bombing
No peace in Afghanistan without protection for minorities

Date: 25-10-20