
378 results:
371. Europe: Are the countries of the Western Balkans ready for the European Union? The EU must live up to its leadership role in the Western Balkans, to enable all countries to develop into democratic states and to lay the basis for a just society.  
Date: 15-05-18
Percental score: 6
372. Dam projects for hydropower threaten tens of thousands of indigenous people worldwide   Several tens of thousands of indigenous people in Asia, Africa and South America are threatened with being uprooted and forced to resettle for the development of hydroelectric power. On the occasion  
Date: 04-08-11
Percental score: 5
373. Tilman Zülch retires from his position as Secretary General of the Society for Threatened Peoples   After nearly 50 years, Tilman Zülch, one of the most prominent human rights activists in Germany, will retire from his position as Secretary General of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). In  
Date: 27-03-17
Percental score: 4
374. Menschenrechtsmemorandum_Innere_Mongolei_klein.pdf   … Go-West-Programm, welches von der chinesischen Regierung zur Erschließung und ökonomischen Förderung von Chinas westlichen Provinzen ausgerufen wurde, vor großen ökologischen Herausforderungen und hat weitreichende…  
Date: 18-02-15
Percental score: 4
375. Irony Presides at UN Indigenous Rights Briefing as Brazil Response to OAS Rebuke Remains Confidential   On Wednesday, in a demonstration in front of the RWE General Assembly in Essen the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has made accusations against the energy provider: "Natives are suffering for  
Date: 29-04-11
Percental score: 3
376. GfbV_Jahresbericht__2014.pdf   … – Zentralafrikanische Republik – Libyen – Mauretanien – Mali – Nigeria – Tansania – Westsahara - Asien 17 China – Burma- Vietnam- Indonesien – Pakistan – Sri Lanka - Indien Europa 22 Krimtataren – Ukraine –…  
Date: 24-09-15
Percental score: 1
377. GfbV_Arbeitsbericht_2013.pdf   …li – Mauretanien – Nigeria – Sudan – Südsudan Zentralafrikanische Republik – Sonstige Aktivitäten Asien 21 China/Tibet/Ostturkestan –Vietnam – Pakistan – Sri Lanka – Indien – Japan – Burma (Myanmar) - Kambodscha …  
Date: 26-03-15
Percental score: 1
378. Prominente_aeussern_sich_zur_Menschenrechtsarbeit_der_GfbV_EN.pdf   … in Brussels on 01.10.1999 (on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China) Prof. Robert Jungk “It is high time that we recognize the continued existence of threatened peoples…  
Date: 17-04-15
Percental score: 1