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189 results:
31. Syria: International Day of Solidarity with Afrin (January 20)   The inhabitants of the Syrian-Kurdish city of Afrin in the north-west of the country are still suffering under the Turkish-Islamist occupation. One year after the beginning of the Turkish attacks on  
Date: 18-01-19
32. STP has asked the German President Gauck to speak up for the Mapuche The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has asked the German President Gauck to try and persuade the Chilean government to enter an open and honest dialogue with the about one million Mapuche  
Date: 11-07-16
33. STP calls for an international investigation on the crimes of violence in Turkey   …ciety for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) is very concerned about the dramatic…  
Date: 08-06-10
34. Stop playing with the fate of Christian refugees from Syria!   … Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has appealed to the German Ministers of the…  
Date: 29-12-09
35. State crisis in Mauritania after controversial elections …Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) hat Mauretaniens Regierung Rassismus und Methoden einer Diktatur…  
Date: 27-06-19
36. Society for Threatened Peoples / Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker calls on the Netherlands and the United Nations to compensate genocide survivors   … Threatened Peoples (STP) Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) insisted in Göttingen on Friday following the…  
Date: 06-09-13
Percental score: 29
37. Siemens: Aboriginal people contradict Kaeser … hätten. Darauf hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Montag hingewiesen.  
Date: 03-02-20
38. Siberian native peoples complain: Our affairs are being ignored in Copenhagen!   … Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV), which is in constant contact with some of…  
Date: 18-12-09
39. Sharp criticism of the Somalia policy of the German government   …ciety for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV)has accused Foreign Minister, Guido…  
Date: 12-04-10
40. Sharp criticism of France's Africa policies: considerations of power have precedence over human rights   … Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has sharply criticised France's Africa…  
Date: 30-05-10