
2175 results:
831. Exodus from Somalia continues; civil war victims must be protected!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) appealed to the UN Security Council on Friday to pay particular attention in today's session on Somalia to the desperate situation of refugees from the civil  
Date: 14-01-11
Percental score: 3
832. Exodus of 36,000 Muslims cannot be stopped forcibly – civilians need more protection   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands a free departure for 36,000 Muslims from the Central African Republic who are being held in seven enclaves in Christian-dominated regions and cannot  
Date: 09-02-15
833. Facebook: Accusations of censorship   Facebook: Accusations of censorship: Facebook page of Kazakh NGO Atajurt blocked since January 9 Central organization in documenting crimes in Xinjiang "Censorship makes Facebook  
Date: 14-01-21
834. Failed coup attempt four years ago (July 15)   Political prisoners in Turkey are waiting for a decision by the ECHR: STP appeals to the ECHR to give priority to cases regarding Turkey "No chance for a fair trial in Turkey" – Many have been  
Date: 13-07-20
835. Failed deportation of Roma families   After the failed deportation of two Roma families from Göttingen, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has raised serious allegations against the city administration.  
Date: 10-02-16
836. Failed policy regarding Syria and the Kurds   Loss of trust due to missed policy: The West is betraying its values, and autocrats like Putin and Assad can appear in a good light, Parliaments must stop this alarming development  
Date: 24-10-19
Percental score: 4
837. Fair refugee policy demanded for all asylum seekers   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called for fair refugee policy for all asylum seekers in Germany.  
Date: 29-09-15
838. Falun Gong mass protests 21 years ago (April 25)   Falun Gong mass protests 21 years ago (April 25): Ongoing criminalization of members of the meditation movement More than 4,300 members have died in police custody, in labor camps, or  
Date: 24-04-20
839. Famine in Sahel region is spreading – pastoral tribes in Chad face disaster   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) warned on Friday of the dramatic consequences of a…  
Date: 16-06-10
840. Famine threatens millions of cattle-breeders and farmers in the Sahel zone – Climax of the catastrophe is expected in June   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) on Wednesday. "Particularly hard hit are 7.8 million…  
Date: 25-03-10