
2466 results:
221. Afrin in northern Syria: One year under Turkish occupation Vigil in front of US embassy Angesichts des drohenden Einmarsches türkischer Truppen in den kurdisch verwalteten Nordosten Syriens appelliert die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Donnerstag in Berlin mit einer…  
Date: 15-01-19
222. Afrin three years after the invasion   Afrin three years after the invasion:
Numerous victims and massive economic damage in 2020
Kurdish places and squares suddenly have Turkish or Arabic names
Date: 18-01-21
223. Afrin under Turkish occupation   One year after the attack on Afrin, which was a violation of international law, Turkish troops continue to occupy the Kurdish region in northern Syria. Kamal Sido, Middle East Consultant of the…  
Date: 14-03-19
224. After Ai Weiwei's release: German-Chinese intergovernmental dialog on Monday in Berlin (27.6. June)   Following the release of Ai Weiwei, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to take a stand for the release of other Chinese dissidents from prison…  
Date: 24-06-11
225. After demonstrations in Ecuador   On Sunday evening, after eleven days of widespread demonstrations, the Ecuadorian government and the indigenous umbrella organization Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador (CONAIE) reached…  
Date: 15-10-19
226. After the coup in Myanmar   After the coup in Myanmar:
STP demands EU sanctions against military-controlled companies
Assets of the coup generals were acquired through corruption and embezzlement 
Date: 02-02-21
227. After the earthquake in Nepal: Sharp criticism of the UN Children’s Fund   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sharply criticizes UNICEF for letting Nepal take over the Vice Chair of the UN Children’s Fund.  
Date: 11-01-16
228. After the elections in Turkey: Germany should support the pro-democracy movement of the Kurds and other minorities   © Flickr/Evgeni Zotov Dear Mr. de Maizière, dear Mr. MaasOn behalf of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), I would like to appeal to you – and to the entire German government – to reach out to Kurdish people and the…  
Date: 10-06-15
229. After years of dispute, authorities permit access to water for displaced Bushmen   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) expressed relief on learning of the Botswana government's decision to finally permit access to drinking water for the San indigenous peoples in the Kalahari…  
Date: 07-06-11
230. Agitations against Muslim Crimean Tatars and Ukrainian Jews leads to first refugee movements   In Crimea, anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish agitation has led to first refugee movements. About 5,000 members of the population group of the Muslim Crimean Tatars – mainly women and children – have…  
Date: 31-03-14