
2466 results:
171. Two Christian Assyrian-Aramaeans in Syria imprisoned   Two young Christian Assyrian-Aramaeans have been in police custody for one week now in Syria because they waved Assyrian flags at a concert. As the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen…  
Date: 28-09-10
172. Two children with albinism murdered in Mozambique   Following the murder of two Albino children in Mozambique, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called for a more effective protection of people with albinism in African countries.  
Date: 26-07-17
173. Turkmens Information and latest news about the Turkmens  
Date: 14-11-18
174. Turkish-Kurdish opposition politician at court again   The brother of Kurdish opposition politician Selahattin Demirtas, who lives in Germany, is calling for support from German politicians in order to free his brother, who has been detained in Turkey…  
Date: 30-08-19
175. Turkish occupation of Northern Syria: Several places are cut off from water supply   The Turkish occupying power has cut off the water supply to the city of Al Hasaka and other villages in northeastern Syria.  
Date: 26-02-20
176. Turkish military intervention in Syria   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has demanded Germany and the other countries of the European Union to stop financing Turkey if the Turkish military intervention in northern Syria is not…  
Date: 15-10-19
177. Turkish attacks on the Sinjar region   Turkish attacks on the Sinjar region:
"Airstrikes are supposed to divert attention from the Corona crisis and the economic situation"
Attacks also against civilian…  
Date: 17-06-20
178. Turkish attacks on Syrian-Kurdish positions   On Monday, following attacks on Syrian-Kurdish positions by the Turkish army, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) urged Germany and the governments of all NATO member states to compel their…  
Date: 15-02-16
179. Turkish army attacks Syrian-Kurdish enclave of Afrin   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Turkish government of serious violations of international law in connection with the attacks on the Syrian-Kurdish enclave of Afrin.  
Date: 19-02-16
180. Turkish army attacks civilian targets 23 days of Turkey’s war of aggression against the Syrian province of Afrin, which is mainly inhabited by Kurdish people, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) published dreadful figures.  
Date: 12-02-18