
2175 results:
691. Northern Syria: poison gas and executions by the Turkish army?   On Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demanded the establishment of a commission of inquiry to investigate the serious allegations that Turkey is committing war crimes in northern  
Date: 20-02-18
Percental score: 5
692. Northern Syria: Foreign Minister Maas accused of "window dressing"   From the viewpoint of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the inactivity of the German government in the case of the IS fighters from Germany who are being held in northern Syria is  
Date: 18-02-19
693. Northern Syria: Christians fear closure of their schools The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and the Central Association of Assyrian Organizations in Germany (Zentralverband der assyrischen Vereinigungen in Deutschland, ZAVD) and its European Sections  
Date: 21-08-18
Percental score: 3
694. Northern Syria   Northern Syria: Cemeteries and shrines in the Kurdish region of Afrin destroyed by Turkish soldiers and militias – Foreign Minister Maas must put an end to the looting  
Date: 08-04-21
Percental score: 3
695. Northern Nigeria: the bloodiest month since the beginning of Boko Haram's terror in 2009   The month of November 2014 has been the bloodiest month since Boko Haram started its terrorist activities in northern Nigeria in 2009: According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), at least  
Date: 01-12-14
696. Northern Mali: 13 new victims of politically motivated violence   Since the German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen campaigned for the Bundeswehr’s mission in Mali at the German Bundestag last Friday, there have been 13 new victims of politically motivated  
Date: 18-01-16
697. Northern Mali is further away from peace than ever before – new peace initiatives needed!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for new peace initiatives in northern Mali in order to revive the peace process concerning the Tuareg conflict, which has been simmering for decades.  
Date: 06-06-14
698. Northern Iraq: Christians in distress   Now that the fighters of "Islamic State" (IS) have been driven away from the northern Iraqi province of Mosul, the Christians living there are facing new problems, as the Göttingen-based human rights  
Date: 24-01-19
699. Northern Iraq/Kurdistan: Six dead in bomb attack on Iranian Kurds in Iraqi exile As the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) was informed by friends in the north of Iraqi Kurdistan, six people got killed in a bomb attack on an office of the Democratic Party Kurdistan Iran (PDKI)  
Date: 21-12-16
700. North-eastern Syria: Prevent Turkey's new war against Kurds! The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning new attacks in north-eastern Syria – in areas that are mainly inhabited by Kurds, but also  
Date: 13-12-18