
2466 results:
281. Appeal judgement against Ratko Mladic (June 8)   Appeal judgement against Ratko Mladic (June 8):
• Survivors are hoping that further crimes will be acknowledged
• Prosecutors assume further serious crimes in Prijedor and other…  
Date: 07-06-21
282. Appeal to CeBIT guest of honor Rousseff: Save the indigenous peoples in the rain forest!   Last-minute rescue for the rain forest in Brazil and the indigenous communities living there: that is what the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and Rettet den Regenwald e.V. ("Save the Rain…  
Date: 02-03-12
283. Appeal to Members of the EU Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna   Urgent Appeal by Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) to Members of the EU Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights: Stop the ban on Bosnian Muslim…  
Date: 10-12-12
284. Appeal to Steinmeier: Please visit opposition leader Demirtas in prison! The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has asked the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to visit the imprisoned leader of the pro-Kurdish opposition party HDP, Selahattin Demirtas,…  
Date: 14-11-16
285. Appeal to the President of the Bundestag and the parliamentary groups   Appeal to the President of the Bundestag and the parliamentary groups:
Schäuble must prevent lobbying for dictatorships in Bundestag
Repeated media reports about payments from…  
Date: 25-03-21
286. Appeal to the Presidium and the Central Committee of the German Association of Cities and Towns (“Deutscher Städtetag”): Keep the memory of the genocide against Christians in the Ottoman Empire alive!   On the occasion of the meeting of the Presidium and the Central Committee of the German Association of Cities and Towns (“Deutscher Städtetag”) on Wednesday (November 15) in Berlin, the Society for…  
Date: 14-11-17
287. Appeal to the Prime Minister, Minister for Integration and all members of the Hessian Parliament   Dear Mr. Koch, Dear Mr. Hahn, Ladies and gentlemen, Our human rights organisation welcomes the initiative of the Province of Hesse to set up a partnership with a region in Turkey. We would be…  
Date: 09-11-09
288. Appeal to UN Security Council: Sudan must stop obstructing relief organizations!   In response to further expulsions of international aid workers from Darfur, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) have appealed to the UN Security Council to demand immediate and full access for…  
Date: 19-08-10
289. Appeal: Do not forget the three million Darfur refugees!   German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle must press for a comprehensive peace plan for Sudan in talks with his Sudanese counterpart, Ali Karti, on Wednesday in Berlin. This is the urgent appeal…  
Date: 05-10-10
290. Arbitrariness of the vice squad infringes peace agreement and human rights   The continuation of the "Trousers case” against the Sudanese journalist Lubna Hussein in Khartoum today, Monday, has been criticised sharply by the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfnV) as…  
Date: 08-09-09