
2175 results:
741. Alevis protest against being silenced by Erdogan   On the occasion of the beginning of a court hearing regarding a broadcasting ban on the Cologne-based Alevi TV channel “Yol” next Wednesday in Ankara, Turkey, the Society for Threatened Peoples  
Date: 18-12-17
742. Four years of civil war in South Sudan   According to reports by the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), South Sudan is currently – four years after the beginning of the civil war on December 15, 2013 – sinking deeper into violence and  
Date: 15-12-17
Percental score: 8
743. Chancellor Merkel at the G5-Sahel summit   On the occasion of the G5 Sahel summit in La Celle-Saint-Cloud near Paris this Wednesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that human rights and the rule of law must not be neglected in  
Date: 13-12-17
744. Islamic states accused of political bias   On the occasion of the summit of the Islamic states in Istanbul on Wednesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) of being politically  
Date: 12-12-17
Percental score: 9
745. City of Weimar honors China’s most prominent political prisoner   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the fact that Ilham Tohti, an Uyghur professor of economics who is currently imprisoned in China, will be honored with the Weimar Human Rights  
Date: 07-12-17
Percental score: 4
746. President Trump is destroying the livelihood of the indigenous peoples in Alaska   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused US President Donald Trump of deliberately accepting the destruction of the livelihoods of the indigenous peoples of Alaska in order to finance the  
Date: 06-12-17
747. Special session of the UN Human Rights Council on the Rohingya crisis (December 5)   On occasion of the special session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday – focusing on the Rohingya crisis – the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns against a hasty repatriation  
Date: 05-12-17
Percental score: 6
748. Agreement on Rohingya repatriation is a sham – new crimes against humanity expected   Following the announcement of details regarding the planned repatriation of about 630,000 Rohingya refugees to Burma, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the governments of Bangladesh  
Date: 26-11-17
Percental score: 6
749. EU-Africa Summit (November 28/29): Europe’s refugee policy must not tolerate slavery The Society for Threatened Peoples demands the European Union (EU) to use the forthcoming EU-Africa summit to initiate specific programs to fight slavery and crimes against humanity in Libya.  
Date: 24-11-17
Percental score: 7
750. Burma/Myanmar: Pope Francis should advocate for the Rohingya The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has appealed to Pope Francis to demand an end to the human rights violations against the Rohingya, and to advocate for peace and reconciliation in Burma.  
Date: 23-11-17