
2466 results:
301. Covid-19 in Brazil   Brazil's indigenous communities go into voluntary isolation:
• Following the example of two communities in Maranhão, the Ashaninka are now retreating into the forests
• The indigenous…  
Date: 27-03-20
302. Covid-19 in Cox's Bazaar   Appeal: Covid-19 prevention and protection for Rohingya refugees
• 1.1 million Rohingya would be at the mercy of a wave of infection in refugee camps due to living in close quarters, under…  
Date: 26-03-20
303. Bahá'i in Yemen   Bahá'i in Yemen about to be pardoned:
Release of all Bahá'i prisoners in Yemen
Pardon of Hamed bin Haydara, who had been sentenced to death
STP demands timely…  
Date: 26-03-20
304. Terrorist attack against Sikh temple in Afghanistan   Following a terrorist attack against the Sikh minority in Afghanistan, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for better protection of religious minorities in the country. "The so-called…  
Date: 26-03-20
305. Covid-19 in Iranian Kurdistan   Iran, a multi-ethnic state, is currently one of the countries most affected by the corona pandemic, along with China and Italy. According to Dr. Kamal Sido, Middle East expert of the Society for…  
Date: 24-03-20
306. China's humanitarian soft power threatens to change world order   ---- The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that China is changing the world order, distracting from its own human rights violations by offering humanitarian aid in the struggle to contain…  
Date: 23-03-20
307. COVID-19: Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian disaster   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian catastrophe because of the coronavirus. On Sunday, the Göttingen-based human rights organization stated that,…  
Date: 22-03-20
308. Covid-19 is a serious threat to indigenous peoples   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE
Covid-19 is a serious threat to indigenous peoples:
- Hardly any access to medical care
- Voluntarily isolated communities fear…  
Date: 20-03-20
309. Proxy war in Libya   Libya in North Africa is becoming one of the most important theaters of war in the Middle East – and President Erdogan is recruiting young Syrian refugees to fight for him in the Libyan civil war,"…  
Date: 19-03-20
310. Erdogan's blackmail works   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has criticized an agreement recently reached by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Boris…  
Date: 18-03-20