
You have kept silent long enough, Mr. Steinmeier! Send a commission of experts at once!

Open letter to Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Dear Minister,


The rising of the Tibetans against unbearable persecution and suppression is being suffocated by the Chinese military. The huge nation of China has been ordered out to a "People’s War” against the Tibetan minority.


You have in the past rejected all public criticism of China and defamed the reception of the Dalai Lama by the Bundeskanzler as "window-dressing” and a "petty party-political game”.


In this way you have just a few months before the Olympic Games given the totalitarian partner regime in Peking a free hand for this policy of merciless persecution. We expect now that you will send a commission of experts from the Foreign Office to conduct on-the-spot investigations immediately and to make daily reports from there.


Please remember that Tibet was occupied in the 1950s and more than a million of its inhabitants fell victim to the genocide of Mao Tsetung. So precisely we Germans and Europeans, having the experience of two totalitarian regimes, ought to have a particular feeling of sympathy.


Yours Truly,


Tilman Zülch

General Secretary