
Withdrawal of troops shows "a complete lack of thought”!

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Aftermath of war with problems still unsolved

The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) today criticised the decision of the German Minister of Defence, Franz Josef Jung, to withdraw the 1000 German soldiers from Bosnia. "It is a great mistake for the German soldiers to leave the country while the war in Bosnia still leaves so many problems unsolved. "It is quite wrong”, said the GfbV General Secretary, Tilman Zülch, for the German soldiers to leave the country while Bosnia is seething with problems from the aftermath of the war Before our soldiers are withdrawn the central problems of the country – reunification, the arrest of the main war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic and the removal of war criminals from government offices and regional bodies – must be solved.”


Representatives of the media in many parts of the world have up to the present day had their doubts on the resolve of the western governments to arrest the persons mainly responsible for the carrying out of the "ethnic cleansing”, the setting up of concentration, internment and raping camps, the shelling for four years of Sarajevo and the mass execution of 8,373 boys and men from Srebrenica, who are known by name. With his decision to withdraw the German troops from Bosnia the Minister of Defence is confirming this suspicion.


Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to exist as two completely separated entities, which came into being through the peace treaty dictated in Dayton and which have never existed in the 800 years history of Bosnia. In particular the so-called "Republika Srpska”, in which more than 50% non-Serbian Bosnians lived before the war, came into being through their expulsion and partial liquidation.


Especially to be borne in mind is the fact that in the so-called "Republika Srpska” of Bosnia persons are working in government offices, who in all likelihood are war criminals, torturers, murderers and rapists. Of the 19,470 persons, whose names are included in a list of the Bosnian commission for the investigation of crimes in Srebrenica, are 8910 persons alone, who remain in official posts in the half of Bosnia controlled by Serbs.