
Turkey: No admission to the EU for war-mongers! Instead of the PKK at last equal opportunity for 15 million Kurds in Turkey!

Vigil in front of the Turkish Embassy in Berlin

No war against the peaceful Iraqi Kurdistan!


On Thursday 25th October 2007

from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

In front of the Turkish Embassy, Rungestr. 9 in 10179 Berlin


"Turkey: No admission to the EU for war-mongers! - Instead of the PKK at last equal opportunity for 15 million Kurds in Turkey!” With these demands the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) is calling out to a vigil this Thursday in front of the Turkish Embassy in Berlin. In view of the threats of Turkey against the peaceful Iraqi federal state of Kurdistan the human rights organisation is calling for the Kurd question to be finally settled in a peaceful way. "To finally treat the 15 million Kurds in Turkey as citizens with equal rights would be a much more effective method of taking the wind out of the sails of the radical Kurdish workers’ party PKK than marching into the neighbouring country”, said the GfbV General Secretary, Tilman Zülch.


Instead of starting a war against the PKK with the ulterior motive of destroying the blossoming autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan, Ankara could achieve a solution of the Turkish Kurd question much more quickly in a civilised way. This would mean at last a general amnesty for the 3835 Kurdish political prisoners and making a start on the reconstruction of the 3876 Kurdish villages in south Anatolia which were destroyed by the Turkish arms and the PKK. A comprehensive programme must also be developed for the return of the two million Kurds who have been displaced inside the country. In this way the totalitarian PKK in Turkish Kurdistan would very quickly lose the support of the Kurdish people, who to this very moment are suffering oppression.