
The Society for Threatened Peoples distances itself decisively from the "National Resistance Council of Iran”

Iran: GfbV distances itself from the "Resistance Council of Iran"

The Society for Threatened Peoples distances itself decisively from the "National Resistance Council of Iran”. It apologises for the invitation in the name of the GfbV of Maryam Rajavi, the President of this "Resistance Council”, to a parliamentary evening. "The colleague in our Berlin office was not informed of the ideology, methods and structure of the Iranian "People’s Mojahedin”, who hide themselves behind this council”, said the human rights organisation on Wednesday. "Our executive committee and our General Secretary would never have agreed with our taking their part.” The People’s Mojahedin constantly use different names in public as though they were humanitarian initiatives or political institutions.


The GfbV draws attention to the following:


  • The Iranian People’s Mojahedin have a completely totalitarian structure and for this reason they are to be found on the lists of forbidden organisations in many European countries and in the USA

  • The People’s Mojahedin are no different from the Iranian government in their fanatical ideology. This is the view also taken by the overwhelming majority of the Iranian exiles, who stand up for democracy and not another extreme dictatorship.

  • The People’s Mojahedin took part in the war of aggression 1980 - 1988 of the Iraqi regime under Saddam Hussein against Iran. They provided military support for this aggression and completely lost the sympathy of the great majority of the suppressed population of Iran. Saddam Hussein used poison gas. At least one million people lost their lives in this war.

  • The People’s Mojahedin joined in the genocidal actions of Saddam Hussein against the Kurds and Shiites in Iraq. In the Khanaquin region alone, south of Suyeymania, hundreds of Kurdish civilians were murdered.

    The GfbV has for many years stood up for the persecuted ethnic groups and minorities in Iran, pointing out jut how dangerous the Mullah regime is, and it condemns the dreadful threats of its President, Mahmud Ahmadinejad against Israel.