
Society for Threatened Peoples Section of Kurdistan /Iraq appeals to Iraqi leadership: "Do everything possible for the release of the two German hostages!"

Hostage-taking in Iraq:

State President of Iraq Jalal Talabani

In an open letter to the State President of Iraq, Jalal Talabani, the Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, and the President of the Iraqi federal state of Kurdistan, Masud Barzani, the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called on the whole Iraqi leadership to do everything to secure the release of the 61-year old German Hannelore Marianne Krause and her grown-up son. "The fate of the two abducted Germans is a matter very close to our hearts", said Yousif Dzayi, the GfbV representative in Arbil on Friday. "We share the concern of the family here in Iraq and in far-away Germany. In Kurdistan people of different nationalities and religious communities can still live together in peace and safety. But in other parts of Iraq such abductions are unfortunately part of everyday life."


The two German citizens were abducted on 6^th February 2007 in Baghdad. The criminals broke into their home in a part of Baghdad inhabited mainly by Sunnis and abducted the woman and her son, who come from Greater Berlin. The husband of Ms. Krause, an Iraqi professor, they left behind.


Signed by the Advisory Committee of the GfbV Section of Kurdistan/Iraq:


Ms. Bayzar Melko, Armenian, Member of the Parliaments von Kurdistan/Iraq (PM)

Ms. Chanzad Yosüf Muhammad, Kurd, Women's Union of Kurdistan (FUK)

Ms. Dschihan Raschid Sindi, Kurd, (FUK)

Ms. Nazdar Asad Mahmud, Kurd, Chairperson of the Women's Society of Barzan "Rebirth" (Vejin)

Ms Scherin Amedy, Kurd, (FUK)

Ms. Tschiman Saleh, Kurd, (FUK)

Mr. Adham Barzani, Kurd, (PM)

Mr. Bahrham Sarspi, Kurd, Society for Political Prisoners

Dr. Daxil Said Khidir, Kurd-Yezidi, (PM)

Dr. Ismat Muhammad Amedy, Kurd, President of the University of Duhok

Dr. Kamal Schaker, Kurd, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kurdistan, (PM)

Dr. Munther Al Fadhal, Araber (Schiite), scientist

Dr. Nasih Gafur, Kurd, (PM)

Dr. Sadi Aimaleh, Assyro-Chaldaean, university professor

Mr. Ezeddin Baqasre, Yezidi, PM

Mr. Haidar Schech Ali, Schiite/Feyli-Kurd, (PM)

Mr. Hasib Rojbayani, Kurd, City Councillor, Kirkuk

Mr. Jamal Schamon, Assyro-Chaldaean Christian

Mr. Kemal Kerkuki, Kurd, Democratic Party of Kurdistan KDP, (PM)

Mr. Najmedin Karchi, Turkmen, Chairperson of the Turkman Parliamentary Party

Mr. Nawzad Hadi, Kurd, Governor of Arbil

Mr. Nimrud Youkhana, Assyro-Chaldaean, (PM)

Mr. Omar Tschingiyani, Muslim Minister and TV-Presenter

Mr. Romeo Hakari, Assyro-Chaldaean, Christian Bethnahrin Party (PM)

Mr. Sadi Ahmad Pira, Kurd, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK

Mr. Wartkes Moses Sarkisjan, Armenian

Mr. Yousif Dzayi, Kurd, GfbV Representative in Arbil