
Schäuble as Minister of the Interior not acceptable

"Torturing for Germany”?

The German Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) has according to the news agency afp in connection with the debate on the secret CIA flights and questioning procedures in US military prisons justified the interrogation of prisoners in which torture cannot be not ruled out. The General Secretary of the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) Tilman Zülch said:


"Torturing for Germany”? - Schäuble as Minister of the Interior not



"The cooperation propagated by Wolfgang Schäuble with regimes which practise torture and with torturers is the same as a legitimation of a future ˜torturing for Germany” abroad. The boundary between a free constitutional state and a totalitarian dictatorship and the terrible torturing practices of the Third Reich is then crossed. This Minister of the Interior is no longer acceptable for our country.”