
Save Darfur


"If we do not react two million people will have to continue living huddled up together in refugee camps. They will continue suffering from hunger and epidemics and remain helpless in face of rape and murder. Their lives rest in our hands! 60 years ago – after the holocaust – the world swore: Never again! After the genocide in Ruanda in 1994 it repeated this vow. Now we can no longer wait for these promises to be fulfilled!” With this appeal 69 Jewish organisations from 47 federal states of the USA called on international public opinion to protect the Muslim black African population of Darfur. There since the year 2003 up to 400,000 people have been killed by the regime of Omar al Bashir, his army, air force and the Janjaweed militia. 2.5 million have been driven out, 3.5 million have been threatened in their existence. A few years after the international failure in Bosnia and Ruanda genocide has been practised again under the eyes of the world. Once again the international community is looking on, just doing nothing, and once again the indifference of so many encourages the criminals. The Society for Threatened Peoples condemns the governments of Russia and China, which persist in delivering arms of aggression to the Sudan and prevent in the UN Security Council the setting up of an international peace-keeping force, which alone can provide effective protection for the civilian population of Darfur. The Society for Threatened Peoples calls for:

- The setting up of an international peace-keeping force

- A no-fly-zone for the Sudanese air force for the whole of Darfur

- Free access for all aid and human rights organisations

- The delivery of all responsible war criminals to the International Court of Justice at the Hague

- Regional self-government (autonomy for Darfur)

- Greater financial and logistical support for the humanitarian aid for Darfur