
Remove visa requirments for Bosnian Muslims


The visa requirements for travel in the Schengen Zone fort he citizens of Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia have been lifted at the beginnign of 2010 upon the recomendation of the European Commision. Bosnian Serbs are able to benefit from this arrangement as they have dual citizenship. The same privilege has been enjoyed for years by Bosnian Croats. It is only the Bosnian Muslims who are not able to travel freely. As victims of the 1992-1995 genocide they are being punished twice over. Bosniaks who survived the massacres, deportations, rape and concentration camps are not even able to travel to the Hague for the trial of the Serb war criminal Radovan Karadzic. The genocide on the Bosnian Muslims, the displacement of thousands of people and the accompanning ethnic division Bosnia and Herzegovina has been cemented subsequently through the European Union.

The Bosnian Foreign Minister Sven Alkalaj spoke of ghettoization; Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Green faction leader in the European Parliament, spoke of bloodcurdling discrimination and riddicle of people that suffered greatly during the war. Tilman Zülch, the founder of the Society for Threatened Peoples, STP (German Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker) explains "the victims of the Serbian Genocide must deal with the fact that war criminals like Ratko Mladic can more freely move in the European Union as themselves”.

Expert teams of the European Commision shall vist Bosnia in February 2010 to determine if the country fullfills all the critereia for a lifting of the visa requirements according to the so called Roadmap to the EU. Based on their reports shall the European Commission no later than the end of March say if the the visa requirements for all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina come into effect.

Bosnia and Herzegovina must immediently advance towards the fullfilment of EU criteria and the Boosiaks should not be allowed to become discriminated against. Serbia must first fulfill a special requirment: the delivery of the wanted Serbian leader Ratko Mladic to the International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague, whose hide out has been know for years by the Serbian authorities!!

Please join our appeal to the President of the European Commision, José Manuel Barroso, to lift the visa requirements for Bosnian Muslims

