
Protest against internet censure in China

Chinese State president visits Berlin

The Societ y for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) will protest on Friday of this week on the visit to Germany of the Chinese State president Hu Jintao in Berlin with a human rights campaign against the internet censure in China. For there the authorities are increasingly restricting with the constant enactment of new laws the free use of the internet. In this way websites of ethnic minorities and supporters of the democracy movement are being closed by the authorities. Since September 2005 the call to meetings and demonstrations through the internet are forbidden. The passing-on of so-called rumours and political creeds have been made punishable with strict penalties on the grounds of endangering the order of the state.


The GfbV charges western internet providers with ensuring by their support of the internet censure that 103 million internet users in China are deprived of adult rights. For western companies have at the wish of the authorities filtered out internet pages on the subject of Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, human rights, freedom of religion and democratisation and replaced them with pages which are in line with the government’s wishes.


We cordially invite you and your colleagues to our demonstration



China’s Enemy of the State No. 1: the internet


On Friday, 11th November 2005

From 10.30 until 13.00

In front of the Chinese Embassy (Brückenstrasse,

opposite S-Bahn station Jannowitzbrücke)

in Berlin


EDITORIALS PLEASE NOTE: Apart from banners with our demands participants of our human rights campaign will be demonstrating against the censure in China gagged and with computer monitors over their heads. Many Uigurs and Tibetans will also be taking part in the vigil.