
"Peace force" Europe fails in Darfur

Europe conference on the German EU presidency of the Social-Democratic Party in the European Parliament in Berlin

On the occasion of the Europe conference of the European Social- Democrats in Berlin the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called on Monday for a heavier involvement to end the genocide in Darfur. "The motto of the conference "Global peace force - social economic power" sounds almost cynical in the light of the extensive lack of interest in the suffering of the civilian population in the west of Sudan", criticised the GfbV Africa expert, Ulrich Delius, "since for the "peace force Europe" Darfur has - by contrast with the USA - no relevance, although it is the worst genocide in the world".


Apart from statements of concern and money for humanitarian aid there is little in the way of support from Brussels for the civilian population, said Delius. It is only the British prime minister, Tony Blair, who has recently stood out with energetic demands for the rapid stationing of a UN peace- keeping force in the west of Sudan. By contrast there has been precious little in the way of initiatives for stopping the genocide in Darfur from the governments of Germany, Italy, France and Spain.


The EU countries evidently find it difficult to agree on a common position towards the Sudanese government. A united European Africa policy is still in its infancy and national egotisms are still today standing in the way of a forceful representation of common interests and basic values.


"The EU is behaving towards the Sudanese leaders like a toothless tiger. And if it gives off a loud roar from time to time no one in Khartum takes it seriously", said Delius. Since Brussels never takes any action following its constant statements of concern the credibility of Europe in matters of human rights has taken a sharp plunge.


So the EU has missed the chance of building up its profile in world politics with its own initiatives. In the light of the crimes committed against humanity in the west of Sudan it is unbelievable that not even the matter of increased sanctions against those responsible for the genocide has been discussed. "With its insipid Darfur policies the EU is contributing to the continuation of the genocide in the west of Sudan and the increase in the number of people who will lose their lives."