
Main war criminal Gosh must not remain unpunished!

International Court of Justice names suspects for crimes in Darfur

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague must make the

Sudanese head of the secret service Saleh Abdallah "Gosh" answer for the

crimes in Darfur just like the other main war criminals. This demand was

made by the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) on Tuesday. The chief prosecutor of the ICJ, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, had already publicised the names of two suspects, against whom warrants were to be issued for their arrest.


"Certainly the initiative of the chief prosecutor in naming definite

persons is a step in the right direction against impunity in Darfur", said

the GfbV Africa expert Ulrich Delius. It seems clear that British and

US-American government circles were able to make their influence count for Gosh. The head of the secret service was the strategic planner of the

campaign of extermination of the black African population in the west of

Sudan. In spite of his complicity he is treated with kid gloves by both

the USA and Great Britain as a partner in the war against terror.


"The fact that Gosh was struck off the list of 51 suspects shows how

dishonest the Darfur involvement of some western governments is. For them the war against terror is more important than the end of this genocide in Darfur", said Delius. "If impunity is really to be combated, then it is above all those responsible for the crimes against humanity who must be brought to justice, and not just the simple culprits." Moreno-Ocampo emphasised on 18th December 2006 that no Sudanese holder of office enjoyed immunity,


Salah Abdallah, nicknamed Gosh, was flown in the year 2005 by the US

secret service CIA in a secret mission to the CIA headquarters in Langley

(Virginia) for talks on terror. In March and August 2006 he was in Great

Britain for medical treatment, as the British Foreign Office had to admit

in November 2006. During both stays he met British government officials.


The head of the secret service is seen as the most powerful man in Sudan.

At the beginning of the 1990´s, when Osama bin Laden was in Sudan, he was his right hand. Since it has been proved that the Sudanese army supports the Janjaweed militia for the attacks in Darfur with arms and air raids, Gosh is finally responsible for the genocide.