
Islamist attacks on the capital of Kabardino-Balkarien are the result of Russian Chechnya policies

Rebellion of the Muslim nationalities in northern Caucausus

If President Putin continues the merciless suppression and persecution of the Chechnyan population he will in the opinion of the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) he will provoke the emergence of a radical Islamism in the north Caucasian republics and new theatres of war. Further rebellions of Muslim peoples could follow. This is the reason for the warning of the GfbV in the light of the battles in the Kabardino-Balkarskaya capital, Naltchik, on Thursday morning.


The GfbV reminds us that Putin has not started any serious peace negotiations with the representatives of the Chechnyans. The total destruction of the capital Grosny and the killing of thousands of their inhabitants, the destruction of the Chechnyan infrastructure, the bombardment of schools, mosques and refugee trains have not been forgotten by the Islamic peoples of the northern Caucasus. Constant cleansing campaigns in towns and villages, the disappearance of individual people, murders and rapes contribute daily to the increasing radicalism of Muslims. So the propaganda of extremist Islamists from the Near and Middle East falls on fruitful ground.