
Iran’s threat against Israel must be taken seriously

Terror against Kurd community shows cruelty of the Iranian regime

In a speech at a conference with the title "The world without Zionism” in Teheran the Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinedshad according to a report on Wednesday by the news agency afp called for "Israel to be wiped off the map”. The General Secretary of the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) Tilman Zülch commented:


"The general public throughout the world must take very seriously the call of the Iranian President Ahmadinedshad to wipe out Israel. With the building up of the atom industry Iran will be in a position to carry out a strike against Israel. At the same time we see increasing terror against the seven to ten million members of the Kurd community, which shows up the cruelty of the regime: In the early eighties already 60,000 Kurds were killed by the security forces of the regime in Iran. They had risen up for democracy and autonomy.


Since the middle of this year the mullah regime has been increasing the persecution of civil rights activists. In the past weeks 21 Kurds have been shot, hundreds have been injured or imprisoned as political prisoners. They are threatened with torture and draconian punishments ranging from life-long imprisonment to the death penalty. The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) has a list of 31 names of Kurd political prisoners who have been sentenced by so-called Islamic revolutionary courts to death, life-long or over 20 years imprisonment. Some of them have already been locked up for years. The 38-year old Kurd Ismail Mohammadi was executed on the 3rd September because he had a long time ago worked for the Kurd Komala Party. The GfbV had worked two years for his reprieve.”