
Iran: Death sentence carried out on father of five

The Society for Threatened Peoples is shocked and outraged at learning of the execution of the Kurd Ismail Mohammadi last Saturday (03.09.2005) in Iran. The 38-year old father of five children was condemned to death in July 2003 just because he was a member of the socialist Komala Party. All over the world human rights organisations and private people had called for the death penalty to be withdrawn.


The execution of Mohammadi confirms fears of the GfbV that the new Iranian government under President Mahmud Ahmadiinedshad towards the minorities in Iran, particularly the Kurds, will be tougher than that of its predecessor.


In the Kurd areas of the west of Iran there have been disturbances since July 2005, during the course of which many are reported to have been killed and hundreds arrested. The GfbV has the names of 21 Kurds who have been shot by the Iranian security forces: Omar Amini, Bayzid Shno, Jamileh Khezri, Hakim Sour, Loghman Nasrollahi, Hossein Abdi, Abas Ramazanzadeh, Behzad Rahimi, Obeid Kamali, Kaveh Vakili, Saghez Rahman, Mohammad Shariati, Afshin Morovati, Kaveh Hejazi, Shadman Mohammadi, Naser Niloufar, Farzad Mohammadi, Reza Fathi, Haidar Tarighi, Muzaffar Abdullahi, Shafi Soheylai.