
International seminar on EU and Caucasus: "How far is Caucasus?” – Call for applications

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Gemeinsam mit der Organisation "Centre for the Monitoring of Public Governance” und dem Menschenrechtszentrum der Jagiellonien Universität in Krakau /Polen organisiert die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) ein Seminar zum Thema der EU-Politik zu den Kaukasusstaaten. Das Seminar richtet sich besonders an Studierende, Doktoranden und Kaukasusinteressierte allgemein. Die Stiftung Erinnerung und Zukunft finanziert dieses Projekt. Ausführlich ist das Seminar auf der folgenden Internetseite beschrieben:


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International seminar on EU and Caucasus: "How far is Caucasus?” – Call for applications


Centre for the Monitoring of Public Governance

Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (Göttingen)

Jagiellonian University Human Rights Centre


Place: Krzyzowa Palace, Galicia, Poland

Time: 9th – 14th March 2006


The seminar is part of "East European School of Democracy” (EESD) – a networking educational Polish-German project. Its main aim is to provide an opportunity to broaden the knowledge of the Caucasus and its meaning for international politics, as well as to bring together young scholars, students and NGO-members interested in Caucasian issues.

According to the EESD concept, the seminar is supposed to be above all a discussion forum, offering an opportunity to compare and exchange views on history and politics between the participants.

Its particular character is based on a combination of workshops, during which participants deepen their knowledge on relevant topics, with a scholarly conference, which gives a chance to systemize this knowledge and to discuss particularly important issues. Workshops and conference panels will be chaired and moderated by political scientists, historians, journalists and NGO-workers with relevant experience.

The seminar consists of four elements, dealing with:

• major geopolitical issues with regard to Caucasus

• inter-Caucasian politics (neighbourhood relations, etc.)

• the war in Chechnya

• the European perspective


The number of participants is limited to 30. The organizers would like in particular to encourage graduates, Ph.D. students and final-year students of political science, sociology, law and history, to apply. Caucasian originated participants and NGOs-activists are welcome; engagement in politics or public activity is of advantage.

Seminar language is English.

The candidates can apply for a participation with or without a presentation. In the latter case, a short CV (including brief description of current occupation/research) and covering letter are required; in the first also a maximum of 2 pages abstract of the proposed presentation is expected.

Every participant is expected to take part in a case study, for which the necessary materials will be delivered to him/her before the seminar.


The presentation can be submitted in one of the following forms:

• paper – typical scholarly presentation of approx. 20 min length (but no more!), aiming at a synthesis and interpretation of given problems in order to achieve fruitful conclusions;

• statement – short (max 10 min) presentation, dealing strictly with facts, depicting certain problem, without any deepen analysis;

• report – a broaden version of a statement (max 15 min) but still focused on presenting facts only.


The participants who wish to a submit a presentation are kindly asked to focus on one of the following topics:

• Papers:

1. Religion and politics: Christianity and Islam in Caucasus

2. The Caucasian Great Game: Russia, Turkey and Persia

3. The Fall of USSR and its implications for the Caucasus

4. Caucasian geopolitics today

5. Russia, its policy and interests in the region (without Chechnya)

6. Turkey, its policy and interests in the region

7. US Middle-East policy with regard to Caucasus

8. A history of current Chechen-Russian conflict

9. Islam fundamentalism and terrorism during the Russian-Chechen war

10 Current state of affaires in Chechnya and possible development

11. Media and their role during the Russian-Chechen conflict

• Reports:

1. Government and society in Georgia

2. Government and society in Azerbaijan

3. Government and society in Armenia

4. Government and society in Northern Caucasus (without Chechnya)

Please note: these reports should present above all the information on the political model and methods of the execution of political power.

• Statements:

1. Caucasian refugees in Poland

2. Caucasian refugees in Germany

3. Caucasus in the current foreign politicy of European countries

4. Human rights in the EU-policies with respect to Caucasus

5. EU-foreign policy instruments with respect to Caucasus

6. Caucasus in the policy of the Council of Europe (10 min statement)

Alternative topics can be proposed but the abstracts should be submitted as soon as possible. The organizers will do their best to include such papers in the program, provided that they are relevant for one of the panels and of high quality, but no guarantee of acceptance can be given in advance.


The applications should be submitted:

• for a non-paper participation: as long as there are places available but preferably by 28 February 2006 (applicants will by notified of their admission by 28 February at latest);

• for a participation with paper/report/statement submission:

by 15 February 2006 (applicants will by notified of their admission by 20 February at latest).


There is no conference fee. The accommodation and meals during the seminar are provided by organizers for all participants. The organizers hope to be able to refund at least some part of the travel expenses. Those in need of the refund should notify us in advance, giving the estimated travel costs. Participants submitting a paper will have the priority in refunding.