
Following the banishing of international human rights workers from the west of Sudan hunger-strike for Darfur: US film-star Mia Farrow is "a resolute fighter for human rights”

Darfur: Mia Farrow -- Resolute fighter for human rights

For the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) the US film-star Mia Farrow is a resolute fighter for human rights in Darfur. "With her hunger-strike, which begins today, Mia Farrow does not want to make any cheap publicity for herself, but to help the civilian population suffering in western Sudan”, said the GfbV Africa consultant, Ulrich Delius, on Monday in Göttingen. Farrow wants to set a sign against the widespread indifference towards the genocide in Darfur. When politicians in fear of infringing diplomatic etiquette do not stand up resolutely for minimal standards of humanity, then sometimes it is only desperate acts like this hunger-strike which can help to break the lack of interest and silence.”


The GfbV is following this hunger-strike with great concern since it could seriously endanger the life of the 64-year old actress. Mia Farrow intends in the next three weeks to take only water with the addition of vitamins.


"As much as we fear for Mia Farrow’s health, we can well understand her anger over the inaction of the international community”, said Delius. More than six years after the beginning of the genocide Darfur is further removed from peace than ever before. Instead of at least enabling a proper humanitarian care of the civilian population, Sudan’s President Bashir wants by banning the international aid workers to make sure that the warrant issued for his arrest by the International Court of Justice is removed. The result is that early five million people are suffering as hostages of a callous and brutal regime, which intends to maintain its grip on power at any price.


The GfbV has worked closely with Mia Farrow in the past three years in attempts to end the war in western Sudan. The actress has organised many memorial services which have attracted much attention, in which relatives of the victims of genocide in Ruanda, Bosnia and Armenia have striven for an end of the genocide in Darfur. At a symbolic Olympic torch-light run in Berlin Farrow called out in the name of the GfbV on 29th November 2007 together with the Chair of the Central Council of the Jews in Germany, Charlotte Knobloch, for an end of the genocide in Darfur.


Ulrich Delius can also be reached at tel. ++49 (0)160 95 67 14 03.