
Fairplanet and the Society for Threatened Peoples in Berlin present their joint campaign for peace in Darfur

RettetDarfur: Press Conference – Please note the date!

RettetDarfur.de: Invitation to the Press Conference


On 27th April at 10.45 a.m. at the Hotel Albrechtshof

Albrechtsstrasse 8, 10117 Berlin


This coming weekend, the third Global Day for Darfur, human rights workers all over the world are pointing to the fate of the black African population in Darfur. In more than 300 towns throughout the world campaigns, vigils and demonstrations are planned. In preparation for the Global Day for Darfur Fairplanet and the Society for Threatened Peoples are presenting their joint information campaign RettetDarfur.de.de. In a press conference, taking place in Berlin on 27th April an appeal will also be sent to the German government to take action for ending the crimes in the west of Sudan. Fairplanet and the GfbV were able to engage prominent persons of public life, such as Anne Will, Hape Kerkeling and the sons of Mannheim. The campaign with the intentionally provoking call: Genocide – Please do not disturb! Is supported by Michael Michalsky. The well-known New York film director Noaz Deshe is also working for RettetDarfur.de.de. He is making a video clip especially for the campaign.


For four years the Sudanese government has been using Arab mounted militia drive out large parts of the black African population of Darfur. These are supported by the Sudanese army and air force. As has been documented by the UN, bombers disguised as UN aircraft are flying against villages in Darfur and the arms embargo for the region is being evaded. The GfbV estimates that since 2003 about 400,000 people have been killed in Darfur and over two million expelled. Three million are in need of humanitarian aid.


At this present moment and just before discussions begin in the Security Council and in the EU on specific sanctions against those responsible for the genocide, Khartoum has once more promised to allow the stationing of several hundred UN peace-keeping troops in Darfur. China has for the first time used its political influence to bring Khartoum to agree on this, however it still strictly rejects the use of specific sanctions against the Sudanese leadership.


A development which Ulrich Delius, the Africa correspondent of the GfbV, views sceptically: "We are afraid that the minute sign of movement on the part of Khartoum will mean that the UN and the EU will no longer take the strict measures against the Bashir regime which are necessary.” From the past it is well known that Khartoum has repeatedly not kept its promises.


Welcome speech – with reference to the Global Day for Darfur: Ulrich Delius, GfbV

Brief sketch of the situation in Darfur: Ahmed Musa, Darfur-Hilfe e.V.

Background information – role of the international community and the EU, the petitions of the GfbV and prominent supporters: Ulrich Delius, GfbV

Personal statements by prominent supporters – among them Cosmo Klein

RettetDarfur.de.de – about the campaign: Ute Schechtel, Fairplanet

Videoclips by Noaz Deshe