
Every month 15.000 people die in the West of the Sudan

Help to stop the mass-dying in Darfur!

Every month 15.000 people die in the West of the Sudan. "It is hell on earth” say international helpers. At least every second village has been systematically destroyed, wells have been poisoned and village inhabitants raped or driven out. Up to 400.000 people have already fallen victim to massacres, hunger and illnesses since 2003. The black African population has been driven out and destroyed. Every second inhabitant of Darfur is trying to escape. But even in the refugee camps the displaced find no protection. For their tormentors have been entrusted with the surveillance of the camps,

Darfur is dying. The world watches and does nothing.

Ten years after the genocide of a million Tutsi in Ruanda politicians all over the world swore that the community of states ought never more to watch a genocide without doing anything. Yet during these fine speeches the systematic murder continues and the world watches without doing anything. Also when for months the foreign helpers are prevented from helping the suffering civilian population. Neither the Security Council of the United Nations nor the European Union are prepared to put up effective sanctions against the Sudan and to secure the protection of the civilian population in Darfur.

So the murdering continues in the West of the Sudan. Instead of sending international peacekeeping forces the African Union (AU) is supposed to look after peace. A cynical decision since all governments know that the protection of the civilian population is too great a task for the AU. Tens of thousands of people have already paid for this mistake with their lives.

Darfur must not be allowed to die! Please appeal to the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, who is President of the Council of the European Union from the 1st July 2005, to make sure that an international peacekeeping force is sent to Darfur to provide effective protection for the civil population.