
EU-Russia Summit in Moscow

Upsurge of persecution of minorities and xenophobia in Russia

On the occation of the EU-Russia Summit held today in Moscow the Society for Threatened Peoples warned about the increase of discrimination, persecution of ethnic minorities and the upsurge in racism, antisemitism and xenophobia in the Russian Federation. Furthermore, Sarah Reinke, head of the European desk of the Society, sharply critizised that Moscow had taken no steps whatsoever in the direction of a peaceful political resolution to the bloody war in Chechnya. Arbitrariness and impunity are still prevailing in the Northcaucasus. Civilians are abducted daily by russian security forces or pro-russian chechen death squadrons. At least 2.500 civilians disappeared since 1999.


Minorities like the Bashkirs in the Republic of Bashkiriya, the Mari in the autonomous Republic of Mari El and the Turk Meshkets in the Region of Krasnodar more and more frequently complain about ethnic discrimination and persecution. Members of the Mari group who are also part of the political opposition in Mari El have been removed from governement posts, editorial offices and administrative posts. Journalists were harrassed, attacked and beaten up. The roughly 7.000 stateless Turk Meshkets in Krasnodar are bullied by the police, militia and cossack units. Marriages cannot be registered because the relavant papers are missing. Children have to attent special classes for Turk Meshkets.


In the neighbouring republics of Chechnya, like Ingushetia, Dagestan, Karbadino-Balkaria, Karatschai-Tscherkessia and Ossetia, police, militia and secret services take brutal action against alleged terrorists and religious leaders. The political opposition is suppressed, crime, corruption and state arbitrariness are prevailing.


According to police data there were 8.500 racially motivated crimes in Russia in 2004. 44 murders have been counted. According to a public survey 42 % of the respondents wish to reduce the influence of Jews in public life, 70% are in favor of the concentration of power in the hands of ethnic Russians.