
Dissolution of the Republic Srpska and ban of the Karadzic Party demanded

Following the failure of the police reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina

An immediate ban of the Karadzic party SDS and the dissolution of the Bosnian partial republic Srpska has been called for by the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) and in the name of its Bosnian section also on Thursday by the international community. It is only in this way that a functioning state can be created out of the de facto Bosnia-Herzegovina. "The extremists ruling in the Republika Srpska have shown their true face. With the rejection of the police reform they have made hostages of the whole of Bosnia-Herzegovina and again prevented the entry into the European Union and the admission into the European family of nations,” said the President of GfbV International, Tilman Zülch, in Göttingen. "All high-ranking representatives of the international community in Sarajevo have since 1995 taken without demur the consistent blockading policies of the Karadzic Party and thus cemented the ethnic cleansing and the division of the country. For this reason Carl Bildt, Carlos Westendorp, Wolfgang Petritsch and Paddy Ashdown carry the main responsibility for this tragic development.” The object of the police reform was the creation of a unified, ethnically neutral police force for the whole of Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was one of the prerequisites for the beginning of talks on a closer cooperation of Bosnia with the EU.

Bosnia-Herzegovina has been divided since the end of the war in 1995. At this time the partial state "Republika Srpska” came into being through the treaty of Dayton after the four-year failure of the West to stop the genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and to put an end to the ethnic cleansing. Nearly all the functions of government were concentrated on the two Bosnian partial states, while the central government was granted only minimal competence. The Republika Srpska, a part of Bosnia-Herzegovina cut out arbitrarily after a joint history of 500 years, was always a multi-ethnic region, in which before the expulsion some 800,000 Serb Bosnians, some 700,000 Muslim, Croat and so-called Yugoslav Bosnians lived together. This region was the main seat of the dreadful war crimes and ethnic cleansing of the Bosnian war. Before the mass expulsions tens of thousands were held or murdered in concentration camps, rape camps and internment camps. The mosques were without exception destroyed just like the majority of the Catholic churches.


The Serb Democratic Party (SDS), founded by Karadzic and still functioning in his spirit, has prevented up to the present day the return of a large majority of the refugees and the conviction of hundreds of probable war criminals. It also blocks the functioning of a united Bosnian state.