
Day of the Refugee 2006

Society for Threatened Peoples warns of deportations into countries where those returning are unprotected

Today, the Day of the Refugee, the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) has warned of the fatal situation of the deported persons returning to Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. "Our investigations and contact persons in many of these countries show clearly that when members of minorities return they are very often in danger of death" warns Jasna Causevic, GfbV expert for South-east Europe.


Promises made by the international community have very frequently not been kept. So for example the NATO soldiers in Kosovo (KFOR) have not been able to assure the safety and freedom of movement of the minorities of the Roma, Ashkali and other groups. Reconstruction projects there have come to a standstill. The houses which were rebuilt for the people returning have often been destroyed by the Albanian mob.


"It must be possible in Germany as well - and not only in America, Canada or Australia - for people who have lived here for years and who have in spite of all obstacles become integrated and for whom Germany has become their home - for these people to remain here. They must at last be given a clear signal that they are welcome", demanded Causevic. "Short- term residence permits issued at the last minute must become a thing of the past. Permanent residence permits for these refugees, who number some 200,000, are long overdue."


In many of the countries they come from it is only the basic medical care which is provided. The chronically ill are therefore mostly sentenced to death, as it were, because there are no adequate therapies available to them. Traumatised people cannot be treated either. School systems do not function. Children are forced to feed their families by begging.