
Darfur /"Red Hands" campaign with survivors of the genocide

Human Rights Day – Global Day for Darfur

4,000 red hands in front of the Neue Wache in Berlin – Survivors of the genocide from Srebrenica, Ruanda, Armenia and South Sudan warn:

Save Darfur!


The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) will this Friday be drawing attention in front of the Neue Wache in Berlin with 4,000 red hands to the up to 400,000 victims of the genocide in Darfur since 2003. Together with surviving victims of genocide from Bosnia, Ruanda, Armenia and South Sudan the human rights organisation will appeal to the Chancellor Angela Merkel during the campaign to make Darfur a central issue of the German EU presidency. The GfbV charges the German government with taking hardly any action to put an end to the crimes against humanity.


In the framework of the "Global Day for Darfur” leading human rights organisations will between 8th and 10th December, the international human rights day, demand from their governments in more than 30 countries that they finally adopt serious political measures to put an end to the genocide in the west of Sudan. Campaigns are planned among others in London, Brussels, Geneva, Washington, Addis Abbaba, Cairo, Dar es Salaam, Manama (Bahrain) and Melbourne.


We invite you and your colleagues from the picture desks cordially to our human rights campaign with survivors of genocide from Srebrenica, Ruanda, Armenia and South Sudan


On Friday, 8th December 2006

from 10.30 onwards

in front of the Neue Wache (Unter den Linden 4) in Berlin.


NOTE FOR PICTURE DESKS: With the call "Darfur: Stop the genocide!" we have printed 4,000 defensive red hands on A4 sheets. These sheets we shall be fixing onto telescopic bars, but also distributing them in hundreds on the ground. The campaign will be accompanied by dull beats on oil-drums.