
Come to the demonstration in Berlin! "We are sounding the alarm: Save Darfur!”

Global Day for Darfur (27-29th April 2007)

Berlin is one of the more than 300 cities, in which this weekend campaigns, rallies, vigils and press conferences will be held for the black African population suffering under the dreadful crimes in western Sudan. The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) has as its motto for the "Global Day for Darfur” this Sunday in the German capital "We are sounding the alarm: Save Darfur!” This is the only campaign for the Global Day for Darfur in Germany against the genocide, which has now lasted for four years.


The procession, which begins on Sunday (29.04.07) at 10 a.m. at the Brandenburger ‘Tor, ends on the Potsdamer Platz. Those taking part in the demonstration will support the demand of the GfbV to at 5 minutes to 12 by sounding alarm-clocks, saucepans or drums, calling on the German government to stand up seriously at last for sanctions against the Sudanese regime. Addresses will then be given by Ms. Manal Seifeldin from Darfur, Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik, the author Hannes Stein and the GfbV Africa expert, Ulrich Delius.


Campaigns on Global Day for Darfur in the capitals of at least 35 countries:


Australia + Austria + Bahrain + Belgium + Canada + Denmark + Egypt + France + Gambia + Germany + Ghana + Great Britain + Hungary + Iceland + Ireland + Israel + Italy + Luxembourg + Mali + Mauritius + Mongolia + Netherlands + Nigeria + Norway + Poland + Senegal + Spain +Sweden + Switzerland + Tansania + Thailand + Tunisia + Ukraine + USA.


On Friday already (27th April) the GfbV will together with Fairplanet present the campaign SaveDarfur.de at a press conference in Berlin. The singer Cosmo Klein is expected as a guest.


Fairplanet and the GfbV are fortunate in having some well-known people from the world of music, TV, Sport and Show-business – among them Anne Will, Hape Kerkeling and the Mannheim sons – to sign an urgent appeal to the German government. This appeal calls on the government to take effective measures in the EU against the continuing genocide in Darfur. Some 400,000 people have so far fallen victim to this genocide. About 2.7 million have been expelled by Arab mounted militia, supported by the Sudanese army and air force. The survival of three million depends on shipments of aid.