
China sees a military problem in Tibet

China: Peking names former soldier as new governor in Tibet

The Chinese government named today a soldier of many years standing as the new governor of Tibet, making clear in the view of the Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) that Tibet is seen as a military problem and that more violence is to be expected. "The appointment of a former army officer is a blow in the face for foreign politicians like Guido Westerwelle who have been working for a credible dialogue between Peking and the exile government of the Dalai Lama”, said the human rights organisation. The Tibetan Padma Choling, who was in the service of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army between 1969 and 1986, was on Friday appointed by the hand-picked regional parliament of Tibet as the successor to Quiangba Puncog, who had retired from his post of governor (dt. Altersgründen NP). The 58-year old is considered to be a loyal supporter of the Chinese government .


"Instead of steering a course of Ausgleich and understanding after the bloody disturbances of the spring of 2008 Peking is evidently continuing the hard policy of persecution of Tibetan human rights activists”, criticised the STP. In his speech following his appointment the new governor also emphasized the importance of "stability” and the "unity of China”. He intends to act energetically against all attempts at "secession”.