
Call for help from Chechnya: several young men abducted

After the murder of Abdul Chalim Sadulaev

An urgent call for help reached the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) on Tuesday from Chechnya. "On 17th June my relative Timur Gaev was abducted in the town of Urus-Martan. He was standing at a bus-stop when Russian security forces came and took him away. He is 27 years old, the father of two children. He is accused of being the ‘Emir of the Jaamat Grosny’”, reported the human rights defender and bearer of the Lev Kopelev Prize, Zainap Gashayeva on the telephone to the GfbV. "Timur Gaev was tortured with truncheons and pipes and beaten. To prevent him dying at once the perpetrators themselves took him to a hospital. There he is watched over right round the clock. He did not take part in the fighting in either the first or the second Chechnyan war and is completely innocent.” Gashayeva is afraid that her relative will be killed.


In the days before and after the politically motivated murder of the Chechen leader Abdul Chalim Sadulaev last Saturday a large number of so-called cleansing operations were registered throughout Chechnya, reported Gashayeva. On Friday already the GfbV was informed by the human rights defender Imran Eshiev that five young men from the town of Sershen Yurt in the region of Shali had been abducted: the brothers Ilias (23) and Islam (21) Chartsuev, their cousin Abdul Chartsuev (20), Ashada Dedigov (20) and Islam Suleimanov (20). Units of Ramzan Kadyrov’s forces came to the village in ten military vehicles. When the mothers of the victims tried to protect their sons, the men in battle-dress beat and threatened them.


The GfbV accuses the "Prime Minister” Kadyrov, who was planted there by the Russians, of being responsible for many war crimes. His units are said to have been involved in the murder of Sadulaev, who was the successor to the last freely elected Chechen president, Aslan Mashadov.